Sex and the City Season 6


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Does anyone know the name of the song and the artist that sang it that played during the closing credits of the last episode of this season's sex and the city?

If so.... Thanks!!

Anybody know the name/artist of the song playing at the end of the last episode of Sex in the City?
The lyrics I could make out are "You've got the love"

hi...loved the finale...and they told us big's name! haha.

the song is by the source and candi staton, called "you got the love" (now voyager mix) from the CD 'essential ibiza six pack'...all the songs featured in the show are posted on their website :)
aaahhh!! they revealed mr. big's name in the best was the last scene and carrie's cellphone rings and it shows the name JOHN calling...i guess he's 'just john' or 'big john'. haha. :P :rolleyes:
i think his name being john was a huge let down. we didnt know his name for so many years and then for it to be John is so plain after we knew him as Mr Big.

he should have had a cool name like......i dont know....Montgomery or something lol.
There is a French rap song in the finale of Sex and City and it's kind of slow and it plays for a pretty long time. Does anybody know the author or title of the song?
i'm pretty sure it's "La Belle et La Bad Boy" by mc solaar. the album with that song is 'cinquieme: fifth ace".
hey! I was just wondering if anyone knows what the title of the opening song to the finale of Sex n the City. Actually, not the finale, but the commercials for the finale. I don't know the title nor the artist but it goes a little something like...' do u like.." or sumthing..shoot i don't remember! n and it's sung by a lady..sounds very retro! ahhh...pleasee help!
I was pretty sure Fitz had already answered that one but couldn't find the post to link to..
Anyway, it's Andrea True Connection "More More More".
haaah oh i didnt know! awww schucks, thanks a bunch dascoot! i was keen to find the song but i couldnt n it got to a point where i was practically drained out from it. i was desperate n thas y i joined onto gosh thankx a bunch!!
On the last episode of Sex and the City there is a song that plays as the camera pans over the characters at the very end of the show. It's rather fast passed and a woman sings it. Does anyone know the name of this song ? Thanks
Prior to the 2000 season , "Sex and the city" promos featured a song "More More More...How do you like it?..." Doest any one know the actual singer of that song?
ok same episode but it's the song that's playing when carrie's running through paris to get to her party, its french rap or something and i can't find it anywhere!! please help!!! :blush: thanx!