Rogers tv commercial


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I've searched alot buh dint found it. Maybe u know it. It's a song from the rogers wireless tv commercial. There's like a guy who says :" The best place is where ever yur freinds are" . And at the end theres like a short period were a song plays and it goes like this : Oh my baby

I know what ad your talkin about for World cup, where those dumb American's go all the way to Germany and watch soccer High lights on their phone. its fucking ridiculous, who does that, why not buy tickets. what idiots. anyway yea the song at the end is good just don't know it , sorry bud.
Oh well, im gonna try to mail them and let you know as soon as they replies :unsure:
lol DjViral.. its so true. That ad is so gay.. they go all the way to Germany to watch it on their PHONE!? And during the ad they say they DOWNLOADED the goal. so which means it's not live.. meaning that they are watching something that already happened!!! and they are so amazed . also why the fuck are they outside... like not in a pub!? fucking losers

But the guys shirt is funny.. :P

Anyway, id have to hear the song i thiknk i know it