Rescue Me Season 4

Footballerwives, you are my new idol!! I have been everywhere looking for the name of that song. THANKS!!!
Does anyone know? : what is that song's title and artist, at the third episode ending, when Jerry shot to his head ?! It's a riff oriented song. thanks.
rescue me season 4 ep 2

does anyone know the music in episode 2 in season 4... specifically the song played when theyre rescuing the cats and the floor falls and the song at the end...thanks!
Yeah what is the name of the song where Jerry kills himself? It's at the end of episode 3 (Commitment) of season 4. I can't find it anywhere.
Hi. What's the name of the song at the end of episode 9 (i think so...) when Tommy was at Mike's apt., jumped from the roof and stayed outside the window. Thank you.
Hi. Does anybody know the name of the song (guitar solo) at the end of season 4, episode 3 (Commitment)? The scene when Jerry Rilley kills himself... can't find it anywhere...