Reggaeton music


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hey i love the reaggaeton music and would be very gratefull if anyone could give me some titles of good reggeaton songs.....and also were i can find them....

i live in puerto rico and i'm sick of hearing reggaetón!!!!!!!!!!!! it's awful!!!!!!!!!!! i don't mean to be rude, but i just can't stand that 'music,' if you can call it that!!!!!!
what is reggaeton? i've never heard that particular term before. :what:
Originally posted by
Reggaeton is a musical style that has been in Puerto Rico for over 10 years. Most of the singers are male. The style is a mix from Rap and Hip Hop with the native music "Bomba" and "Plena" that gives the regular rap a latin touch and a better dance beat. The lyrics are about the reality on the streets, missunderstandings, unfair situations, and last but not least about love, cheating, and been really mad at someone because of something.

Artists employing this style:

* Don Omar
* Tego Calderon
* Hector y Tito
* Ivy Queen

sounds interesting!!!
yes! i was born here. i don't really agree with all the silly traditions that people follow, which makes me quite the outcast!!! but i like it that way!!! for example, i can't stand salsa or merengue, i don't dance, and i don't really like the food either!! still, i wouldn't move to another country!!! this is home, as screwed up as it is--and believe me, it is!!!--I wouldn't change it for the world!!! (I'm very patriotic at the moment, no doubt due to the up coming elections which are also going to be held on the 2nd of november.)
That's interesting! I had no idea you were from there at all. :) I stopped in San Juan, via some cruise, like 15 yeas ago -- really neat town.
oh, very cool!! basically, all the cool stuff happens there in san juan: concerts, etc. i live in the northwestern part of the island, meaning that everything is boring and movies take FOREVER to reach the get where i'm going with this!!!
Hey, I live in Los Angeles, and I don't see movies until they come out as rentals! :lol: (too expensive to see them when they come out.)

How far away, miles or hours, are you from San Juan?
Originally posted by bbrocks@Oct 26 2004, 06:01 PM
(I'm very patriotic at the moment, no doubt due to the up coming elections which are also going to be held on the 2nd of november.)
Are your elections as hotly contested as our's are up here? The nation is practically divided this time around.
yeah, pretty much the same. the next few days will be...interesting. everyone gets so caught up with the elections; it's a huge deal over here!!!

btw, happy birthday!