proper introduction

Well who knows what you're looking at but I'm reading a review of God Is Not Great and that's pretty interesting. :lol:
Yep.........Iunno how..........bunch of the channels are out. :(
Originally posted by givemfitz@Aug 26 2007, 03:45 AM
Well I just lost half of my cable. :woo:
Are the dudes with the satellite dish on their van driving around again? :P
It wasn't funny in the first place, now I gotta explain it and kill it? :lol:

The dudes that look for the illegal hookups.
Yeah, what's the address? I wanna see it from space. :leela:
:lol: Look out!! Behind you! Shamu's about to eat you!!
I have to tell you Fitz, that ensemble you're sporting in that picture is simply divine. From the beanie to the glass, the pocket protector to the matching striped shirt.... B)