One Tree Hill Season 4


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hey! trying to find a song from one tree hill. i think it was by a guy n the only lyrics i remember are:
"costs me so much more than i can pay, but i've tried.."
please help!!
I was just wondering if anyone knew the song on one tree hill tonight when they were playing their games. Or if anyone knew where to get a list of all the songs that were on the show tonight. The CW only posts like three songs. Thanks
Does anyone know the song/artist that the show centered around tonight, it was not any of the featured artists at the end and I checked the website...
I only heard the last song, as the show was on in my sisters bedroom. I found two versions of "When the Stars Go Blue" - there is a duet version with Tyler Hilton and Bethany Joy Lenz, and also a solo version by Tim McGraw which I like even better. I didn't even see the featured artists as I was washing dishes by then. Hope I helped. If not maybe someone else will know...
If anyone watches One Tree Hill, the recent episode has a song that sung whe Lucas and Peyton are having a cookie dough fight, when Dan and Karen are having dinner. It has the chorus "you owe me". Very nice tune.
ok i was watching a re-run of a one tree hill episode and i was listening to the music that is played in nathans. its when nathan and lucas are going to charlotte for the basketball game and there HCM test. Does anyone know the song im talking about?

it goes "holiday, holiday, its the best day, its an ice cream day, i am only happy when i have holiday, holiday, holiday..."
I think I stumbled on the answer. So, I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and started all over again....

"Holiday" by Doktor Kosmos

Get it at Amazon.


:D :unsure: B) :blink: :rolleyes: ;) :lol:
Does any one know the name of the song that is playing at the end of the new episode?It sounds like the who,but I just want to make sure.
Does any one know the name of the song that is playing at the beginning of the new episode?
Thanks but I already went there first before posting :)

Does any one know the name of the song that is playing at the beginning of the new episode? :(