Old LL cool J song!?

Oh we'll see about that. Mwa ha ha :shifty: :devil: :ph34r:

Later guys. No clue where this topic is / what ya'll are talkin' 'bout. :unsure: :blink:
Hi Rhonda. You know that machine drum band I'm always rambling about? I just had a conversation with him on AIM. But now I'm bored. You're not at work are you?
Yo, your never on. I check all the time. I'm not on that often either. But I'd love to chat with ya.
Anthony!!!!!!!!!! Melissa was looking for you ALL night!!! Where have you been?????
What the crap? At work? Don't you usually work during the day or something?

I'm so exciteeeeed about tomorrrroowwwwww..