Old LL cool J song!?

Originally posted by a_iver@Dec 22 2004, 12:12 AM
:lol: That's awesome Ravi. Did she pretend to be interested?
oh yeah! :lol: bending backwards, laughing, then bending forwards, touching my arm, the whole works!
First time a guy ever asked me out:

(setting - in the kitchen at the restaurant we both worked at)
Me: saying something cute and witty to make him laugh
Him: Hehe.. you and me should hang out some time, ya know?
Me: :mellow:
Him: :huh:
Me: :unsure: Hahahah! Yeah so did you see that lady throwing a fit cause we ran out of chili??
Originally posted by a_iver@Dec 22 2004, 12:17 AM
Dascooty did you see Jesus kick that guy :lol: :lol: :lol:
Heh no I was typing.. but that muscly puppet was HAWT.
Yeah, ouch for me. He was a really hot, popular guy. I thought he was fuckin with me. And then my friend later on was like "DUMBASS!! Why'd you do that??"

I was just shy is all..
These two guys were rehearsing their lines in the background under a crucifix. After a while the Jesus statue sticks his foot out and kicked one of them. Then the two guys got in a fight.
LOL Oh was that what you were saying ouch for?

I really liked that version of The 12 Days Of Christmas. :devil:
No I was saying ouch about the guy. Sorry, you think I'd learn to quote by now.
I love that Comedy Central punk commercial. :lol:
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 22 2004, 12:18 AM
Score Ravi! Did you get the digits?
yup. i recovered. :D from microsoft, we talked about mp3s, (hoping we can talk about music or something) but then she said she had problems with some files, so i said may be we should get together and try to fix it...

nerd mating ritual!!!
:lol: Frosty eats poop like a doggy.

Ravi.. we'll be sad to see you leave the ranks of hot single guy, but good luck with that.
Originally posted by a_iver@Dec 22 2004, 12:32 AM
And just what is this then, young man?

edit: I know what it is.. you're sad that Frosty eats poop like a doggy, aren't you? :( It's ok..
aw thanks! i'm not in a hurry to get hitched, but i don't know how long i can resist. my parents keep sending me pictures of girls who's horoscope matches with mine... arranged marriage is alive and kicking in india, you know! :rolleyes: