Saw an ad last night for the new Nissan Altima 2.5 S ...
It's one of those simplistic ads where it's just the car against a white backdrop ... and the camera passes this way and that around the car ...
In the background, there was some cool techno music ... reminded me of something the Chemical Brothers might do/have done ...
Any ideas as to what the music is?
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
(Yeah, I know, it seems as though I'm on some sorta car kick ... haha!
:lol: )
Saw an ad last night for the new Nissan Altima 2.5 S ...
It's one of those simplistic ads where it's just the car against a white backdrop ... and the camera passes this way and that around the car ...
In the background, there was some cool techno music ... reminded me of something the Chemical Brothers might do/have done ...
Any ideas as to what the music is?
Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
(Yeah, I know, it seems as though I'm on some sorta car kick ... haha!