News Reports

Although it would be a nice change to have someone like that in office, the wide-eyed Want To Change The World type, so I'm torn.

edit cause I said "change" too much
*blows a bubblegum bubble* I dunno I was gonna ask you the same thing
only I'm not bored :naughty:
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 13 2005, 10:10 AM
Enh, he's prolly at work. I should really go get my haircut.
I remember doing that. I think. Yeahhhhh...I used to have that done. Is it the same as it ever was? :P
Not sure, it's been like 6 months for me. I'm pretty sure they're still using those sharp thingies..
:lol: at haircuts!!! I tried iming you mel from a different sn.. im at work and on aim :ph34r: shhhhhhhhh