News Reports

Thought I'd put in an update on my mom's friend I told ya'll about who was attacked a month or so ago... She has been moved from the ICU to a rehab facility while her stab wounds continue to heal. She's able to sit up and walk a little bit. In a couple weeks she'll be able to move into a rental home (since her house was pretty much completely destroyed from the fire). She's got to go to the jail and identify her attacker this week, and then the trial starts and she has to testify. I'm still amazed she's alive and is making such a quick recovery!
Aww good for her! I'm just glad she lived, when you told that story I'd assumed she didn't make it. :(
she is brave! who pays for the medicall bills in such cases? i think the state should take every cent that guy makes making licence plates and folding prison laundry! :angry:
Originally posted by cultclassic@Jun 4 2005, 12:48 PM
she is brave! who pays for the medicall bills in such cases? i think the state should take every cent that guy makes making licence plates and folding prison laundry! :angry:
In Ca. I think there is some sort of victims relief. Not sure how it works though or if it's available in other states. :unsure:

I'm really not sure who pays for the medical bills... Her friends set up a fund for her, so maybe that's what it's for? She did tell my mom that her insurance is covering the house 100%.

I just hope the guy doesn't get away with it... he pleaded not guilty and claims to have been on meth at the time, and I think his parents are trying to paint him crazy but innocent... or some crap. :angry:
I'm sorry that he's doing that. It sucks that there are so many legal loopholes to where you don't have to take responsibilities for your actions. Hopefully he won't get away with it.

I'm so glad she is doing better!