News Reports

Originally posted by dascoot@May 7 2005, 03:37 PM
Yeah the confessions.. when he cocks his head and starts talking real jerky like he does, and the person finally confesses.. then out of nowhere springs the arresting officers, who've just been sitting off to the side, waiting.. for him to prove out loud how clever he is? Just seems hammy to me.
He should yell "Worthless turd!" at least once. :lol:

That reminds me, what ever happened to that blonde English lady? I can’t remember her name. She was the one that Goren could never catch.
I think they had that viewer's choice, didn't they? Where we were supposed to vote on how we wanted it to end? I don't know what happened though..

:lol: @ worthless turd.. one of these days they're gonna say it for real and I'ma have a heart attack.
Yeah, vote on whether she lives or dies. Oh, I think her name was Nicole. Since you didn't see it either, maybe they didn't air it yet. :unsure:

I should become a cop just so I could call people worthless turds during interrogation.
:lol: Dude have you seen that "Very Funny" ad on TBS, where the guy is calling to see if his situation is funny or not.. and he's being interrogated by this cop with ink on the side of his mouth.. and his "stereotypical cop move" is to punch his hand into his fist. :lol: <-- loves it
Thanks. I called my dad this morning and he said mom is fine, but just pretty shocked by the whole thing. It seems really surreal that it happened. I offered to drive up to where Sue lives, which is about 8 hours from me... but there really nothing I can do if I did. Dad said she's in a coma right now (I don't know if it's an induced (sp?) one or not, honestly)... Fortunately she has a lot of loyal friends around there, so they will be able to help out. Mom wishes she was there, but it's not really logical for her to come out from Alabama right now.
[color= #ff0066]aww that's so sad; i'm so sorry :( that poor puppy. that man is crazy...he's horrible![/color]
Originally posted by Scythe@May 9 2005, 03:50 PM
she's still alive? :unsure:
Yeah, I just assumed she'd died too for some reason.. well thank God she's still alive.. it'll be a long hard struggle but she's alive, that's all that matters.
still it must have come as quite a shock....i can only imagine how they feel
oh, no... sorry she's in the hospital. Somehow she made it from her house to the neighbor's after the attack.