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my aunt use to put up baggies of water throughout the backyard during parties.. because she said when flys and mosquitoes see their reflection its ten times bigger and they get scared and fly away
hmmmmmmm :unsure:
I.. don't.. I'm pretty sure that if they're not scared of something as big as a human that they would be scared of a big bug. :unsure:
lol!!! :lol: maybe you can start a mosquito circus, or go in the guinness book of records for jumping over the same fence 500 times in one day
i think it had somethign to do with territory... not sure but it my AUNT not me... I have those candles and tons of spray ;)
it's fun to watch my cats try and catch mosquito's, then run away :D :lol:
I wonder.. is it possible to have something in your blood that attracts the skeeters more than someone else? Cause I can stand outside next to someone who's not being bit and have em swarm me. My gramma always said it's cause I'm so sweet. :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 24 2005, 09:01 AM
I wonder.. is it possible to have something in your blood that attracts the skeeters more than someone else? Cause I can stand outside next to someone who's not being bit and have em swarm me. My gramma always said it's cause I'm so sweet. :)
I have that problem too. I always get bit all over by them and my husband rarely gets bit.
Do you wear a lot of perfume? I heard the perfume attracts mosquitos.
I'm A negative.

WHOA y'all! At this very second, the online users list.. all star cast! Woo!!
No, I don't usually wear a whole lot of perfume. My blood type is A positive.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 24 2005, 10:01 AM
I wonder.. is it possible to have something in your blood that attracts the skeeters more than someone else? Cause I can stand outside next to someone who's not being bit and have em swarm me. My gramma always said it's cause I'm so sweet. :)
I used to get eaten alive too when we first moved to the south. Then we started eating the same food as the locals and it stopped. I'd always heard it was all the garlic and onion in the food that keeps them away and that without it they're pretty much attracted to everyone. Seems to be something to it.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Apr 25 2005, 02:25 PM
Seems to be something to it.
Seems to NOT be something to it. I eat garlic and onions at every meal.

*breathes on Fitz* Hhhhhhheya hhhhhhhhhandsome. Hhhhhhhow ya doin?
You're either just weird or you're actually eating artificial imitation homogenized pasturized processed onion and garlic food product. That stuff never works.
Is that like the artificial imitation homogenized pasturized processed baby batter product you were talking about earlier?
Yeah but with onions and garlic. So ya can't really use it for waffles. ;)