News Reports

:lol: I left my bulldog and cat alone for a minute in the other room and when I went back in there I noticed that my cat's entire head is soaking wet. :huh:
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Mar 24 2005, 05:27 PM
:lol: I left my bulldog and cat alone for a minute in the other room and when I went back in there I noticed that my cat's entire head is soaking wet. :huh:
You don't have any pet fish do you? :lol:
Originally posted by leone@Mar 24 2005, 05:53 PM
That reminds me of this :lol:
Yep, I think it went something like that. :D

Um... fish? I used too..... :huh: :o Just kidding.
:lol: So is an alligator pond behind a prep school really the best idea ever?
*snicker* OK I get it now.

But then phallic jokes are always funny. :ok:

edit for spellin
Wait a minute! Now that General Discussion is basically hidden...
