Nancy Drew


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Hey all, I'm new to the forums (not new to the site) just joined today in hope someone could possibly help me out?
Some of you may know what Nancy Drew computer games I'm talking about but I'm guessing the majority wont. They're good if you like mystery games that aren't too intense, more puzzles and codes and stuff. But anyways some of the games (I think theres 12 now) have just the loveliest background music. It's usually classical, sometimes a little ambient. I've searched everywhere but I can't find the music! And theres no soundtrack for the games (that I know of).
Anyone know anything?
Really? I find the music really creepy.

Well, under credits, they list Kevin Manthei. I wasn't able to find much else. I hope that helps you.
I actually like the music a lot too! especially from The Final Scene and Danger on Deception Island. you should check out all i could find were wierd files from Curse of Blackmoor Manor. i know you wrote this awhile back but i hope it helps.
ne-one know where 2 find the music played in the Nancy Drew Game Series??? i’ve tried searching some sites and they didnt really have ne-thing relevant. i’d really hope they have a soundtrack or at least some site that allows u 2 listen 2 it/download it!!! the games that had the best music, in my opinion, is:

The Final Scene – especially
Danger on Deception Island

any help w/ this whatsoever will be greatly appreciated!!!
I doubt hey r gonna have a soundtrack for a kid's game Alleycat but no harm in searching, huh?

Do those songs actually have singing/do they seem like real songs or were they just specifically made for the game? If they arent real songs i dont think u will find anything. :(

Sorry, i coudln't help u! :unsure: