MTV Ringtones


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I just saw this little commercial right after the newly wed's show and it showed all of these people on the street listening to a song on the radio, rocking out. Some girls freak out and scream "turn it up" as a car passes.

The song is very electric, disco-esque, Daft Punk-like.

The end of the commercial features Timbaland(?) holding a stereo and the commercial says something about [mtv.ringtones] ringtones?

Does anyone know where to get this electric song? !?!!?
yeah i wanna know how to find that song too!! i looked online for all MTV ft. Timbaland songs and Original ringers and could not find the song!! damn i just like the beat!!
In the corner of the "ad" or "video" -- whatever it is, says the following:

MTV Feat. Timbaland
Original Ringers
Georgie and G-red (maybe G-rad... can't really read it very well)

Anyway, here's a link to the MTV Ringtones page.... don't know if it will help.
You know the MTV ringtone commercial that plays on MTV usually after a show is over. The commercial has a techonish beat playing sounds somewhat hip hop and it shows a bunch of people around teh neighborhood listening to it and theyre thinking "omg whats that awesoem sound" then at the end of it it shows timabaland (rapper) with a boombox on his shoulders with people all around him listening to that song. Anyone know the song? is it a ringtone or song made into a ringtone?
I searched all over the MTV site yet I cant even find it I searched on itunes and my free music downloader no luck.
I FOUND IT I FOUND IT I FOUND IT I FOUND IT I FOUND IT I FOUND IT...................................hmmmmm.........................................I wish me...................well.........i.......guess..................................i.......can.......tell you.........................its block party-timbaland :D
The new one where everyone is outside walking around. Timbaland is in it. There's a dance like song playing. What's the name of it?
Duplicate topics merged.

I think the song was just made as a ringtone, not an actual song you'd hear on the radio... But I could be mistaken.