Mini Cooper Convertible


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Relatively new commercial, saw it only twice here in Canada.

Any ideas? No lyrics so it's one of those hear it to know it.
Slow motion of a guy jumping into the open car. That's about it.
That's really interesting. I was about to start a thread on that myself. Good thing I checked the topics.

I haven't found anything yet, but it's starting to get a bit popular here in Canada. Hopefully the song will be discovered. It's very catchy.
Looking for this song for a while now....its for the new Mini Convertible commercial, the one with the guy in the suit falling in slo mo into the Mini, then he takes off. The music has a faster beat, with a digeridoo.....?
Mini USA have a very entertaining feature on their website on the making of this commercial.

(If you have a pop-up blocker make sure it is turned off before clicking on link).

Unfortunately it doesn't tell us where the music comes from...........
I was wondering too...

Thank you for contacting MINI Canada.

The music for the MINI Jump Slow TV spot was composed by DJ Ronnie Moss out
of London, England specifically for the TV spot.


Customer Service
MINI Canada


I Liked The Song And Its "Only For The Commercial"

I Hate When They Do That But Thanks For The Up-Dade I Was Close To Bumping The Topic.

What's the song in the Mini Cooper "Jump" commercial for their Cooper Convertibles? The commercial's been out for awhile, but I can't seem to figure out the song! The tune starts with just a didgeridoo playing as the dude jumps off a mini-trampoline in slow motion . . . and then a heavy beat comes in at the apex of his jump.

Any ideas?
I got my own answer from Customer Relations at Mini. The music is a 'work for hire' (not available for purchase . . . as yet) from a dj in London - - DJ Ronnie Moss.