Remember that one time I posted this thingy on here with this link that told you to sign in? I got a msg from andypants, rudely telling me to check that site out and become a member of it. I didn't know what it was, so I posted it on Adtunes. Erika then and someone else desperately begged me to remove that link and I did. The site was another forums for those who are very horny all the time. It was against Michelle. Erika only wanted to have a few people, such as Aldrin, goldengloves, andy, melissa etc, on that site (I guess the others from adtunes weren't so horny). She didn't want Michelle to know about it because ... I cant remember, prolly cause she wanted to steal some of adtune's members and couldn't let Michelle know. I guess the admins of adtunes were a lil picky on sexual topics on this site, so Erika made her own forum and those who were invited were enjoining Erika's horny site. It was unsuccessful and she got rid of it. I think it was something like
Erika that's so mean.
Erika that's so mean.