MGD Miller Genuine Draft


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Just heard a commercial on FSN sports channel during the Brewers game. First time I've seen this commercial. But the music is fantastic. A dance tune, I'd say. Keep an eye out for it and if anybody can name that tune...I'd appreciate it. If I can supply any more info in the future, I will.
It does take place in a dance hall, or whatever. There's a DJ spinning his record. One for the younger crowd, I guess. HELP!! :-)
Well, I've been monitoring this thread as a guest for a while now. If this is the same commercial I'm thinking of, it's been driving me nuts trying to figure out what the song is and who does it. So, for anyone that might be able to figure out what it is, I have a link to the commercial:

Someone finally put it up on youtube the other day. I hope this makes it a lot easier for someone to figure out the song for us! :)
That's the one! I taped the ball game yesterday just to get this music so my son can put his Sound Hound to good use. If that doesn't come up with something, then I'll assume it was music made just for the commericail and not a recorded song. Been searching for the commercial online myself, so good job finding it.
Awesome, awesome. Please post if it comes up with something. :)

I'd be really disappointed if it were just production music made only for the commercial, but at least I'd be able to stop searching the internet for it and going crazy finding nothing.
Sound Hound didn't know the song so am betting it's a studio group doing a commercial jingle. To bad. Sounds like something that would really get the dance crowd moving.
Yeah, that's too bad. It's a really catchy song. Well, at least I can stop going crazy trying to find the band who does this. It would be a great song to release, but I don't think studio groups like this do that. :/