mastercard commercial

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the one with the guy dancing like a jackass in front of the vinyl clad chicks.. something about winning an internship for hoobastank. who's the music done by? it sounds familiar, but I don't listen to pop much so I dunno.

I did a search.. didn't find it.
I've seen the ad and assumed it was original music for the ad... I haven't found any info though... The agency that did it is McCann-Erickson of New York.
I caught it on my DVR and played it over and over, trying to get some lyrics to do a search with.. Mr. Voiceover Man was talking all through it but I managed to get:
"girls night out, it's a girl's night out, alright"
which really isn't any good, since that's a pretty common phrase and will give you like a million results.. but maybe someone will know.
still waiting for a reply to my email.. maybe one of these days : )
McCann-Erickson still hasn't replied to me, maybe I sent it to the wrong address or something. I'm going to try it again right now. I happened to catch this again last night and I actually understood (or think I did) some of tthe lyrics. They sounded like "it's a girl's night out" that's really all I caught. Before anyone says anything it's not The Judds and it's not The Knife :)
If you've seen the recently popular show "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance," then you know that the man with the title role, Steve Bailey, is a pretty recognizable character. The scenario is this: my aunt and I were watching television one night and saw the Mastercard commercial that begins with a guy gettin' his groove on, (the one advertising a summer internship with Hoobastank or something of that nature.) Right away, my aunt insisted that the guy dancing was the infamous "Steve Bailey." I know she is wrong, but we're are both incredibly stubborn and this debate has elevated into a $100 bet. I need proof of the identity of this crazy-dancin' mystery man!!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!! :P
Originally posted by BlondieK3@Mar 18 2004, 07:23 PM
If you've seen the recently popular show "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance," then you know that the man with the title role, Steve Bailey, is a pretty ..... watching television one night and saw the Mastercard commercial that begins with a guy gettin' his groove on .....
it's possible it could be him, he's an actor afterall! i'm not that familiar with him, so i can't say for sure...
Oooh, you are in luck. I'm currently procrastinating, and the commercial in question happens to feature a pal I used to do theatre with, so I was scouring the internet for a copy of it. He's a very nifty and talented lad named Scott, about 10 year Steve's junior--I consider both actors very charming, and dead sexy. It takes crazy skills to uh, dance like a jackass for a national TV spot...the boy is hilarious, he just finished up a lil one man show he wrote called "Exposing Myself" in LA. Here's a link to little blurb on mentions the mastercard commercial. Hehe, can I get a cut of your $100?