maroon5 new album

Originally posted by cultclassic@Dec 17 2004, 04:16 PM
does anyone know the phonenumber for nineoneone?
Call 411 to get the number.
:lol: I'm sure they have gotten calls like that before. It wouldn't shock me.
Once my brother crank called Charter (does anyone else remember Charter?) and said "I think I need help.. I'm hooked on phonics!"

Of course this was the early 90's, plus we were really young so it was like the height of hilarity.
maybe i'm just thick but dazarr is this thread for real?

you're kidding when you ask right....?

What? No one knows the answer to this topic? :blink:

Just kidding. Couldn't resist.
The band is called songs about jane.

just teasing you, I think you had the album's name mixed up up with the bands name.

Band: Maroon5
Album: Songs About Jane