Making of Lords Of Dogtown


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Towards the end of the show when they were showing the credits, there was this rock music played. Anyone know what it is?
Can you provide any details about the rock music that was playing. Was it hard-rock, indie, progressive, alternative, soft rock, grunge, screamo? Did the song have any vocals? I'm usually very good with answering MTV related background music questions, so provide a little more details and I think I'll be able to help you out.
Originally posted by Cool276@Sep 24 2005, 04:39 PM
Can you provide any details about the rock music that was playing. Was it hard-rock, indie, progressive, alternative, soft rock, grunge, screamo? Did the song have any vocals? I'm usually very good with answering MTV related background music questions, so provide a little more details and I think I'll be able to help you out.
The song didn't have any vocals. It's quite heavy and sounds a bit grungy. It's starts with the drums and then comes the guitars. Sounds really good. I've also heard it a number of times on MTV Cribs.

Was it No Reason by Sum41?
I know it would be much easier if there's a clip but unfortunately I don't.
If you can suggest a list of songs that may sound like what I described then I can check and see whether or not it's one of those song that I'm looking for.
The rock songs listed there are soft actually. The one I'm looking for is heavier. Anyway thanks for the list. :)
I am assuming you are talking about the MTV Making the Movie-right? If so, I snatched the audio you're talking about-msg me to get it-I have nowhere to post for anyone to hear it.