Macy's Fit Matters bra

I'm looking for this as well. the lyrics have a few sentences "a beautiful day" but I cant find the song.
"Daydream in Blue" by I Monster off the album "Neveroddoreven"
Hm. I guess Macy's used I Monsters version? - cornholio you were right.
Lupe Fiasco's song features part of it and it sounded like him singing so thats why I thought that was it.
I read the original song was composed in 1968 by Gunter Kallman.
i know that the beta band 'squares' sorta covers this song and i've heard this original before but i just forgot who does it..
All of the songs I saw in the other thread sample the same composition (the one listed on Wikipedia).

It is one of the most-used samples in the last decade or two, so there's a lot of confusion about the original source. (Wikipedia article probably exists for that reason.)
(But I see your point... the song Comicbooktattoo is looking for is probably one of the songs in the other thread, since the original composition is more obscure and most people hear it as a sample.)