
He might be at work playing with all the saggy bushy homemade porn tonight.
No actually I just got back from painting the rock... again.
Today is our anniversary, so we thought we'd just do the rock and leave it with that simple message. Nothing illegal.
:lol: :lol: Seriously it's been a year? I can still remember the exact thing I was doing when I heard THE NEWS.

OK dumbutt, scroll up ^ and tend to bidness.
BTW Nabeel lives in Ontario too....he's about your age. When's he coming back? :unsure: I miss him too.
Heh... Still nothing. Oh well. I'm going to school now. Talk to ya'll when I get home.


w00t I'm a rookie member!
Im Back :D !!!!

Srry I got caught up in KH2 the past few days....Finally beat it ..but for some reason I still can't beat Sepiroth.... :(
I just got Kingdom Hearts Two and beat it within the first week. o.O I really like it though. The first one was killer. I like the secrect ending in that one. The second one is kool too though. OH! I got voted Band President for next year w00t!!! Score! Alright anywho... How's everyone?
