Is that a threat?

Well either way, no matter what they were protesting, they were a buncha ignernt buttholes.

Although they all have excellent accents. :wub:
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Nov 11 2005, 06:33 PM
I heard something ridiculous today here it is.

These assholes actually protested at a fallen solidiers funeral, watch the video if you didn't. I don't care what your viewpoint is on the war, this is just outrageous. If I was one of the family members I would be in jail tonight for a multiple homocide.

Okay, here's the dealio...

These assholes have been coming to Tulsa and the surrounding areas here to protest the funerals of our fallen local heros. What they are saying is that basically God is upset with our country for allowing homosexuality and so that's why our soldiers are dying. They aren't saying that our soldiers are gay though just that God is mad at the country. It makes absolutely NO sense and they are pissing all of us off. They come from some church in Kansas just to go to these funerals.

The good news...
We have several motorcycle groups here that will do these rallys for different causes like they did one to raise money for a friend of mine that had breast cancer and such. Anyways, they are going to the funerals and their bikes are so loud that they drown out the protesters. :)
Originally posted by Space Cataz@Nov 11 2005, 04:48 PM
You're right! This is bullshit! Goddamn conservatives telling people to join the army then when one dies they hate him because he's gay! Is this what the country has come to?! This is why I'm proud to be a liberal!!! Tsk Tsk Tsk :angry:

Not all conservatives are right wing extremists bro, I'm a conservative. Your comment is the kind of comment that makes me think you are ignorant but I'm not saying you are, you seem intelligent. Everyone has their own opinions and it important to have an open mind.

About the bikers, yeah they are sweet. I heard about this on a radio show and they going to go to every single military funeral in MN with hot rods, muscle cars and bikes to make sure they drown out any possible protest with the sweet sound of a engine. :D
I'm sure not all conservatives are extremists. But don't you think at least some are wrong in the head :lol:
:lol: This reminds me of

''Is that an earthquake? NO! it's Rrrrrrrramon!''
Originally posted by Enyone@Nov 13 2005, 11:49 PM
:lol: This reminds me of

''Is that an earthquake? NO! it's Rrrrrrrramon!''

"yeah ramon. that'll happen."

"you said you wanted it to be believable..."

''oh Ramon your penis is so huge, I'm cuming.. k get off me now''
"well, the air conditioner's working in the service office. wanna come by later off?
omg i love that movie~! i could quote it all day. oh well, at least for the whole duration of the movie.
Originally posted by Space Cataz@Nov 13 2005, 07:05 PM
I'm sure not all conservatives are extremists. But don't you think at least some are wrong in the head :lol:
Yes, don't you think some liberals are wrong in the head? Alot of people regardless of political views are wrong in the head.