I have ESP.

Speaking of time....must go now. 6pm therapy session tomorrow Doctor? :D
alrighy flower, I'm out to because it is infact 2:00 a.m. for me and I gotta go to work, horny and all that junk. peace and love sexies ;)

It'll be ok, once it's all done you'll feel a million times better and hopefully it'll only be the one time, right? :) *hug* Drive safe. :heart:
:wub: Thanks ladies... yes it'll be better soon enough. :)
Now you just need some nails and you could almost build a trebuchet.
:lol: :lol: Oh my god.

I'd also need some.. WOOD. :naughty: Know where I could find some.. WOOD? :naughty:

Sorry that was stupid.

My dog has a woodar, it's like this built in tracking system so he knows exactly where to step when he jumps on the bed so that he crushes my husband's junk every time. :)
He also likes to rub his face on things, which is weird when he does it on my boobs while I'm asleep, especially since I've been sleeping topless lately. Effin oddball dog. He sees his sister is a tiny dog and he thinks HE'S a tiny dog and has no way of knowing that he just can't jump up on Mommy's stomach like the girl can.
Well sure, yeah I do like being awakened by a handsome boy with facial hair rubbin on my boobies, but I prefer the boy to have testicles and prolly also no tail.
I like broads, dames, chicks, ladies, babes, hotties/cuties and girls.