Honda Fit


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i wanna know wat the song for the new honda fit comercial is if it in fact a song. the comercial is very artsy and the song sounds like a bunch of kids cheering if it in fact a song then please let me know what it isa called

i'd like to second this request and to clarify that this is the Canadian commercial.
I too would love to know what song it is... ! It's a scooby-doo mystery, it would appear.

I'm not able to look at YouTube, so ...

I'll take a wild guess (not in Canada, so I wouldn't be familiar with the ad/song in question, either) ...

Maybe ...

Caribou - "Crayon" - CD: Semper Satago
CDUniverse sound sample - track 10

I dunno ...

Right or wrong (... and either way, it's a good sampler CD to have!) ...
There you go.
Sadly that is not the song DJEiffelT . The kids are saying/singing something like
"get up! get up! lay down. lay down...don't you think I want to lay down, lay down"

But I tend to not hear things correctly so I could be wrong.
"get up, get up, layyy down.. layyyy down.."

I'd say that's about right.

But, like you... I may not be hearing it right.

Still looking for an answer to this riddle!

I think the lyrics are correct. Also there is a guitar and some bells, which are much louder than the vocals. I tried searching the lyrics, but I just got a bunch of rap songs.
There is a possibility that it is by "The Go Team". They always sound like a bunch of kids yelling, but they're not.
Check out "We Just won't be Defeated" by them. It's similar to it, but not the same song.
I thought you were on to something with "The Go! Team"..

However, I posted inside of their official forum.. and, I got one "maybe.. sorta".. and one outright "definitely not".

So.. back to zero!!
It's confirmed that the music is NOT from The Go! Team.

Ian Parton, a member of the group dropped an email saying..

sorry its not us - quite a nice little tune though. i think it was commissioned for the advert as the kids are singing something about honda fit i think



So, that's that.

Oh well I guess some really sweet unknown Canadian musicians and composers must have done this little diddy for the Canadian ad campaign and not realized how sweetcandy it is.
Hopefully some day they'll get some credit.
The Go! Team however are in a recent commercial for Honda Civic... their song "Huddle Formation" is featured.
just to confirm...on that youtube link, there are comments posted under the viewing screen and somebody writes, "I did some research and the song is an original, made for the ad"