Hi my name is Ballz Ballz Mahoney

you want to know why i wont put an picture of myself on their it is because at the bank i want to work at you cant ahave an internet page like myspace
Surely no one will recognize your pixellated stick figure self portrait.
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 10 2006, 08:08 PM
You have MS Paint. Go.
^ Well kudos to you if you're good enough, my Paint creations all look like shit.
Originally posted by thesassycynic@Jun 10 2006, 08:11 PM
That took a lot to fix that URL just to see your picture! Haha. Nice triangular nose....
thanks :lol: :lol:
I tried getting a camp counselor job...most camps won't hire agnostics. Heh heh.

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