Hi my name is Ballz Ballz Mahoney

I finally saw Hostel and kinda thought the same way. It wasn't all that bad.
Thanks! Your son is so cute, btw. And I think I already did get the invite and accepted....
Thanks. You got the invite for the group? Someone must have sent it then which is good because it won't let me. Somethings wrong with it right now which is typical of myspace.
Really? Weird. Did someone you know send it?

Is that how you found out about this site? I'm just curious because I noticed that you just recently joined the forum.
No, I found the site when I was looking for a song from a commercial. The invite was just from the AdTunes myspace. I dunno who sent it.
Oooh, okay I see now. I was gonna say.. I don't see you in the members list. Yeah, this isn't the myspace profile this is just a group.
Ooooh. Well, I'm not in the group then. I thought you were talking about the myspace page. Send me an invite to the group when you get a chance.