Hi my name is Ballz Ballz Mahoney

i ate some cookies when i was sick and i threw up and it tasted like cookies and sugar
:lol: :lol: Lucky you...

I had some Pizza, and shit tasted like vinegar and it resembled the color of pee ;)
oh shit, I gotta go to work soon...I hate that place but, gotta pay the bills...
Movie theater O.C. a.k.a manager...I don't like it anymore and I've been searchin for a new job like crazy. With my manager experience, I can land something better...hopefully. <_<
Originally posted by Ballz Mahoney@Jun 5 2006, 05:40 PM
:lol: :lol: you go to school how old are you?
lol 23 go to college pretty much just working on the coolest thing you can every do, not really "going to school"