Hi my name is Ballz Ballz Mahoney

There was a Pat at this job I worked in Michigan, and she went by Michelle. And oh my god. It was like she didn't even TRY, it was quite plainly a man in woman's clothes. 6' tall, Adam's apple, beard stubble, flat chested, obvious wig. Everyone pretended they didn't notice - or maybe they really didn't - but me and the other temps were like in awe whenever she walked by --> :blink: I felt bad for staring and snickering cause she was a nice enough guy but holy crap man, stuff a bra or something, shit!
Originally posted by dascoot@Jun 2 2006, 03:10 PM
There was a Pat at this job I worked in Michigan, and she went by Michelle. And oh my god. It was like she didn't even TRY, it was quite plainly a man in woman's clothes. 6' tall, Adam's apple, beard stubble, flat chested, obvious wig. Everyone pretended they didn't notice - or maybe they really didn't - but me and the other temps were like in awe whenever she walked by --> :blink: I felt bad for staring and snickering cause she was a nice enough guy but holy crap man, stuff a bra or something, shit!
I worked with one at my last job. He had implants and went by Charli but people still said he instead of she so changed it to Laura. Laura was in the process of a sex change but had to wait 3 years before they would approve the removal of the item.
Hahaha so did Michelle, she had a deeper voice than I do. And I sound like a man.
I can't believe that...maybe sultry and hot like Toni Braxton but, not like some butch at the nearest bar...hell no...
Gross, he just sounds stupid.

You know I say your username at random throughout the day.

husband: "When'd the dogs go out last?"

this is really random but like a month ago i was watching NBC Dateline to catch a predator and the Stone Phillips walks out and asks the dude what he is doing there (The Dude was a nerd) and the dude said i just wanted to talk and Stone Phillips shows him the convo and the dude was like it is called cybersex dude and stone goes with a 13 year old girl and the dude goes well fuuuuck you" it was pretty funny
guess what Anna Nicole smith is pregnant and made a video diary of it but who the fuck cares
She's gross. And wow, that's some balls to curse out the dude that caught you bein a pedo. I hope his future cellmate Bruno likes balls.