hello fellow ninja

Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 28 2005, 02:57 PM
oui oui...non, un tant soit peu... :ph34r:
Yeah but still, better than what I know:

Je suis le stylo. Mange le chien.
Magpies like sparkly things. Ninjas have sparkly ninja stars.

The universe is all connected. :ph34r:
*imagines all the places Aldrin could shove a pen on his person and snickers*

If I was a pen I'd bleed all over your pocket. :devil:
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 28 2005, 03:18 PM
cucumber makes ur semen sweet or so they say
I've heard fruit. Though I guess technically cucumber is a fruit..
Originally posted by saosin xxv@Aug 28 2005, 03:18 PM
that is our invisible carrot?
:lol: I love it, "..that invisible carrot hangs over every Christmas dinner.."