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During the last few seconds of the trailer, there is operaish music playing and I was wondering if anybody knows what song it is. I would really appreciate it.
Sorry it took so long to reply, comp went caput. <_<
Its the TV trailer that I am talking about. The middle one.
I've seen a new trailer recently that is none of the three above. In the one I'm talking about you see him rip his full grown horns off. Anyway, The song at the end of that trailer is amazing but i don't know what it is? Anyone find a link to this trailer. Has hellboy WITH horns, also has qu.... oh crap, just saw another trailer where he also had horns only it wasn't the same one I saw earlier and it didn't have the desired song at the end(not any of the three above either). Ok in the one I'm talking about he says "Gonna be sore tommorow"....anyone know where to find these new trailers?

these two new ones are not:
trailer 1 or 2
tv spot 1 or 2
I haven't been able to find a link to the clip or hear the words in the trailer, but it's the one with the linkin parkish type music playing in it, if anyone's caught it and heard it, let me know please.
I remember their being two different commericals with songs. One of them is New Found Glory: All Down Hill From Here. I can't remember the other one.
it's for the new dvd coming out I think, terrible movie, but a song on the commercial, if you know what it is do tell, thankyou
I'm looking for the title of the song they play on the dvd commerical for hellboy can anyone help?
I am looking for that hellboy trailer music, not the one that sounds like opera but the rockin music, I don't remember which trailer it was, but I think that the music started when hellboy was jumping or rolling to avoid the huge swinging pendulum that was wrecking the slim bridge they were on, toward the end of the movie.

Thanks in advance.
Hello there,

Could any of these be it?

Theatrical Trailer
"Battle Cry" by X-Ray Dog
"Progenies of the Great Apocalypse" by Dimmu Borgir
"Eradication Instincts Defined" by Dimmu Borgir
"Battle Charge" by X-Ray Dog

Teaser Trailer
"Cyberworld" by X-Ray Dog

TV Spots
"Blasphemy" by Immediate Music

~ Mia ~
It's Dimmu Borgir "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse"
I'm glad to see Dimmu get some attention here. They're insanely talented.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kA9vtXbbhVs&pp=ygUVaGVsbGJveSAyMDA0IHRyYWlsZXIg

Teaser Trailer:
01 Dimmu Borgir "Eradication instincts Defined"
02 ???
03 X-Ray Dog "Cyberworld"
04 Dimmu Borgir "Progenies of the great Apocalypse"

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=557Qpie_KWk&pp=ygUVaGVsbGJveSAyMDA0IHRyYWlsZXIg

Trailer + Tv Trailer:
01 Unknown Sound Design
02 X-Ray Dog "Battle Cry"
03 ???
04 X-Ray Dog "Battle Charge" or Remix *

* Personally, the chosen extract, I don't make any difference between the two versions.
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