Let my tell you a little story, if you are willing to listen...er...read.
I like fantasy and roleplay (obviously) and I loved the pc game known as Neverwinter Nights. Naturally, I was interested in Neverwinter Nights 2. Now, my computer is by no means a powerful machine, but on their site it was mentioned that performance would be no issue (i did online benchmark test, and read the list of minimum requirements). Especially my geforce 5900 card would be an issue, i assumed, but on their site (prior to the release) there was a post saying that the game supported all the way down to 5400 cards. Neverwinter Nights 2 was made by a different developer. Some of my friends noted that the game might be a bit disappointing. How prophetic they were.
When I purchased it, the box stated as requirement on the back of the case a 128 mb 3d card, which I have. When I came home, I went to the official forums to check things out. That's when I was shocked. There were tons of people complaining about poor performance, and bugs, and whatnot. Looking at the supported list again, i noted that some cards were 'scrapped', and the list now only went down to 5600 cards. That's life.
Installing the game and playing. At the very minimum settings, and with pretty much every other program disabled (virus scan, firewall... networking service
) I had terrible frame rate (about 9-15 outdoors and 0.5-6 indoors... standing still). That's life.
On the forums, things had pretty much exploded. Everyone was asking about the performance, with one developer response in 4 days, saying they were looking into it. New patch released, a little improvement. Checked the 3d card list, more removed, including my own 5900. That's life.
After spending the last days tweaking and messing with my computer in vain, I decided to give up. I gave the game away. I also posted on the forums asking a bit of explanation (trying to remain civil... or at least more civil than the others). THAT is life....
You see, it turns out the moderators there, though you would expect them to remain professional, are just laughing at the people. Please, allow me to show you a moderate example of their behaviour and respect for the paying customers:
Charming fellow, isn't he? I mean, come on, he even said 'waaah'...
That post made me really mad. I felt ripped off, just like hundreds of people before me. I made a complaining post, asking about the 'fixing' of the 3d card list, and they simply replied like this:
That's nice. Take time to note his friendly explanation of the box. Remember how I said that the box only stated a 128MB card? Yeah. Actually, while the game came just in a dvd case, the preordered special edition came in a box. Turns out they assume everyone likes to pay extra. Strangely enough, the topic was locked before I could reply again. So there it is. 50 bucks down the drain. That's life.
So, what have I learned:
-The customer is not always right, even when he is.
-As soon as a company has their/your money, they don't care what happens next, and they're not afraid to show it.
-Some companies like to fix a lack of respect with a bigger lack of respect.
-Some companies aren't ashamed to 'fix' their flaws by lying about past data
-Arguing on the internet really IS like running in the special olympics
To make a long (and boring, I am sure) story short, I am never buying a pc game again.
PS: if this post offended you in any way, I apologise. Except if you work for Obsidian "Entertainment", in which case sod off.
I like fantasy and roleplay (obviously) and I loved the pc game known as Neverwinter Nights. Naturally, I was interested in Neverwinter Nights 2. Now, my computer is by no means a powerful machine, but on their site it was mentioned that performance would be no issue (i did online benchmark test, and read the list of minimum requirements). Especially my geforce 5900 card would be an issue, i assumed, but on their site (prior to the release) there was a post saying that the game supported all the way down to 5400 cards. Neverwinter Nights 2 was made by a different developer. Some of my friends noted that the game might be a bit disappointing. How prophetic they were.
When I purchased it, the box stated as requirement on the back of the case a 128 mb 3d card, which I have. When I came home, I went to the official forums to check things out. That's when I was shocked. There were tons of people complaining about poor performance, and bugs, and whatnot. Looking at the supported list again, i noted that some cards were 'scrapped', and the list now only went down to 5600 cards. That's life.
Installing the game and playing. At the very minimum settings, and with pretty much every other program disabled (virus scan, firewall... networking service

On the forums, things had pretty much exploded. Everyone was asking about the performance, with one developer response in 4 days, saying they were looking into it. New patch released, a little improvement. Checked the 3d card list, more removed, including my own 5900. That's life.
After spending the last days tweaking and messing with my computer in vain, I decided to give up. I gave the game away. I also posted on the forums asking a bit of explanation (trying to remain civil... or at least more civil than the others). THAT is life....
You see, it turns out the moderators there, though you would expect them to remain professional, are just laughing at the people. Please, allow me to show you a moderate example of their behaviour and respect for the paying customers:
Since release, I have been busiest setting fire and acid to trolls, then responding to PMs of various sort that run the gamut of:
* Where can I download patch X.xxx?
* Do you know why my system won't run NWN2?
* What sort of rig do I need to play the game?
* Waaah, you closed my thread!
* Waaah, you didn't reopen my thread!
* Waaah, you're being mean to me!
* Waaah, someone else is being mean to me!
* Sorry, didn't mean to sound angry, really.
* How come you guys are such Nazi Gestapo moderators?
* Where are you guys, we need moderator support to kill some trolls.
Some of you, however, are still not "getting" it in some ways. The many times that I have seen some people posting about having trouble with 5XXX series cards, you have to read the sticky about graphics cards and perhaps do a little research-- those cards just aren't going to make it. As to the 7300 series, especially the LE versions, they were not really meant for even average level gaming when they came out, so this game is going to fry your cards (not literally, but it might as well be.)
Charming fellow, isn't he? I mean, come on, he even said 'waaah'...
That post made me really mad. I felt ripped off, just like hundreds of people before me. I made a complaining post, asking about the 'fixing' of the 3d card list, and they simply replied like this:
I am sorry to hear about your problems, but you are just wrong about your data. The 5XXX series of cards was dropped at least two full months prior to release. If you feel otherwise, then I can only repeat your quote of my earlier quote: Unfortunately some of the posters here are still not getting it. The 5xxx series of cards was never really meant for serious gaming in the first place and they were removed from the list at least two months prior to release. The fact that it was still on the box was -- oops, wait, the box *(you know the thing the game that is released comes in? Kind of squarish, rectangular a bit, Height, length, width, that the DVD or CD comes inside of when you buy the game?) doesn't say anything about the 5xxx series so you must be right and I am wrong. Or is it the other way around?
I take the time to respond to this as there is just no basis for your point as the facts go. This doesn't change that I am sorry that you are having trouble. However, if you are still having trouble and are still hanging onto a card 3 generations older than the game, then the problem is simple in your case to resolve: get a new card. Of course, there are a few others out there who are using such a card and getting what they feel are respectable results, considering they know the card isn't meant to cut the mustard with this game (or any others out in the last two years or so-- if they do, you're extremely fortunate.)
That's nice. Take time to note his friendly explanation of the box. Remember how I said that the box only stated a 128MB card? Yeah. Actually, while the game came just in a dvd case, the preordered special edition came in a box. Turns out they assume everyone likes to pay extra. Strangely enough, the topic was locked before I could reply again. So there it is. 50 bucks down the drain. That's life.
So, what have I learned:
-The customer is not always right, even when he is.
-As soon as a company has their/your money, they don't care what happens next, and they're not afraid to show it.
-Some companies like to fix a lack of respect with a bigger lack of respect.
-Some companies aren't ashamed to 'fix' their flaws by lying about past data
-Arguing on the internet really IS like running in the special olympics
To make a long (and boring, I am sure) story short, I am never buying a pc game again.

PS: if this post offended you in any way, I apologise. Except if you work for Obsidian "Entertainment", in which case sod off.