Find the 50 "Dark" Movies

i have no life and i deal with these movies on a regular basis at work.
Wow, you must be pretty good, sick boy. I admit I had to cheat to get the grim repear, 3 kids in a circle, 2 guys on the staircase, and the woman with 2 kids. I thought they were pretty weak clues. I also think the "big ball" could have been drawn a heck of a lot better.
there was cheating allowed?
why didn't anybody tell me?
now i really feel like a dork for knowing way too many movie titles.
Alright I got 30 then had to look the rest up. Some are ridiculous.
i prefer that 72 bands one. I dug that. I dug it hard. I dug it like uh...a grave digger digs...graves...?