Fahrenheit 9/11

what was the punk song in one of the trailers when the troops were walking, it sounded like dropkick murphys
Does anyone know where I can find or download "Fahrenheit" by Immediate Music and "Dodge This" by Ged Grimes? I've been looking everywhere for these pieces but can't find them anywhere.

And help would be most appreciated! :D
Sorry man, this is not a forum for discussing illegal downloading.
And I don;'t know about Dodge This, but Fahrenheit is unavailable to the public. However, if you want something that sounds EXACTLY, EXACTLY the same, check out Tikal and Menouthis by E.S. Posthumus. Immediate Music heavily "borrowed" from these pieces.
Ahh, cheers. I just thought being trailer music it would be widely availble for legal download, doesn't look as though that's the case. Thanks for the help anyway, I'll look into those tracks! :)