Well, most often a poster for a trailer song request is looking for some official confirmation of a songs name that is used for the mixed track of a trailer. This can come from some official source, such as the company or group that created the trailer, or from the individual or group that orchestrated the song itself.Originally posted by ameyerson@Oct 20 2007, 08:44 AM
How do you all figure out what track it was?
More often than not however a song's name is discovered simply through the reply of someone who has seen a request such as those on this forum, and personally knows/owns/has heard the song themselves, and can post specific info or whereabouts on obtaining the music.
Touching on your last post though, could you offer some explanation as to how you know that the requested "monk" bit at the beginning of the 5 minute extended trailer is from the Island OST? You made note that it did not make the soundtracks final cut (i'm assuming you mean the published and sold record), so then how would you know that this was where the 16 second piece of music came from?
Also, could you please explain what you mean by saying you mixed it yourself? lol.
Had me a wee bit confused by that statement.