Dwayne Wade Converse


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I can't get it outta my head...

they have it up on converse.com, but i wanna know what the song is

thanks in advance
no idea.... but can someone pleaaaase tell us ? :banghead: cause i neeeed to know
I was wondering about the song in the converse commercial, the one that shows Dwayne Wade falling and then it says fall down seven times stand up eight...Help would be aprreciated :)
Im looking too! Anyways, I saw this on the net, thought I'd share.
[/QUOTE]The new Dwyane Wade-Converse commercial where he keeps falling down and getting back up has a great message to it: resiliency is the key to becoming great. But I’m not sure the underlying message is all that positive for the Converse brand: Converse shoes make you have very poor balance, causing you to fall down a lot.
What's the song from the Dwayne Wade "fall seven times, get up 8" (or something like that) commercial? Is it just music made for the commercial? It sounds like a familiar intro to a rap song.
I want to know too, I made a thread about it here as well but nobody's come back with an answer.
I also liked the song in the converse ad. I email Hest & Kramer and will hopefully hear back soon. Maybe i will be able to answer one of these topics for the first time ever!
Obviously i havent heard back from Hest & Kramer yet, but their library is on: http://www.hestkramer2.com/ i'm pretty sure it has all of their songs. You can download songs by clicking the arrow pointing down and then saving the file (if you have itunes). Ive been looking through for a while but so far no luck on finding the one in the converse ad. I have found some other good tunes tho.
Still wondering about this one. If anyone can find it, I'd be much obliged.