Dunkin Donuts Coolata


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I'm trying my best to find this song from the new Dunkin Donuts ad. It's the commercial that takes place on a beach and the music has a rock sound and the singer sings: It's over one hundred degrees, it's over one trillion degrees from the hot parking lot to the sand that is not so cool...

Anybody know the answer to this one?
Here's a link to the commercial:

I believe the song is an unreleased one from the band / They Might Be Giants.

This site here provides unrealeased songs in mp3 format for download that TMBG have done for other commercials. They update it regularly so maybe this song will pop up on the site in the near future.

Originally posted by spotnitty@Jul 23 2006, 10:40 PM
I'm trying my best to find this song from the new Dunkin Donuts ad. It's the commercial that takes place on a beach and the music has a rock sound and the singer sings: It's over one hundred degrees, it's over one trillion degrees from the hot parking lot to the sand that is not so cool...

Anybody know the answer to this one?
"All hail king booker" says my friend Kevin
yes farbeyond is correct
No prob spotnitty. Just wondering if your avatar is of that guy that was in the movie Hackers awhile ago?