Dunkin Donuts Commercial


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:o Hi Everyone! I am going batty trying to figure out what the song is in the Dunkin Donuts commercial where the family is packing the van 'to go to the uncle's house for a three day weekend'. I looked online under 'three day weekend', 'plenty of room' and 'uncle's house' and cannot find anything. The band sounds a lot like They Might be Giants. Can someone help?? Thanks a mil!
The new series of Dunkin' Donuts ads use a series of original songs by They Might Be Giants (you win!). They're not available anywhere else at the moment. Unfortunately.

"The backs of my legs... STICKIN' TO THE PLEATHER!"
Hmm... no editing on this board, I guess. Well, here's a Slate article about the ad campaign:


Also a blog from the ad agency, with more videos:


They Might Be Giants have done several commercials in the past, but this is the first that's a full series of original songs with vocals. The older ones haven't been released in any manner, but since they often put out free mp3s on their website, and these are so high-profile and fully developed, it's possible that these may be available at least in electronic format at some point.
Thanks a mil for the info!! I appreciate it! I guess i will keep looking to see if TMBG decide to include the Dunkin Donuts songs on their site. I just cant stop singing the Plenty of Room song! :)
Anyone else think they were saying "plenty of rum" the first time you heard it? LoL.