Don't remember the name of the movie...


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I was at my boyfriend's house and I saw an ad for this movie about a young boy with a (I believe) post-movie-star mother. I think the boy starts cross-dressing. The title was very long and I don't remember it. Does anyone have any idea what the movie might be?
I think it is a newer movie, yet to be released in theaters. I think it was a preview before the movie Samuri Seven, which we had selected to watch (for free) with OnDemand. I thought the word "Heart" might have been in the title.
Well that's already been released. I could hardly watch that movie but I'll bet you're right Fitz. ;)
Yeah I'm not gonna run out and rent it either. :P

Maybe it's the wrong one. Nothing there about an actress.
Ugh I happened to catch it on the boob tube and couldn't handle more than about 10 or 15 minutes of it. It's a great title though. :D
I, personally, love the movie.
It's...insane, and totally not my type (usually), but something about it just draws me in. It's so surreal and screwed up.
Fritz, you were right.