Do you think dreams come true...?


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Well do they...? If you had a dream/ you believe it can come true...? :huh: :(
Of course they do, millions of people achieve their goals every day. Is this a serious question or are you just waxing poetic?
Seriously... If you put your mind to something...whether it be something that people think your not capable of accomplishing it...if you put enough determination and heart in to it....could it come true...?
Depends on what it is I guess. I mean, not to be debbie downer or anything but if I really, really wanted to be the world's tallest person then my dream would not come true cause I'm only 5'2". *shrugs*
although i am famous for being a daydreamer extraordinaire...

your face!
"good one"
that's almost just as funny

(dahaha inside jokes)
If you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you.. *can't remember the rest* :unsure:
I can't believe you people! Straying from the subject like this! :angry:
I think if you try your best, dreams can come true... may be not literaly, but it will work out in strange ways, often in much better that you imagined...
This whole thing is so vague. Dreams and goals..

Look, I have a goal of going pee and then eating some left over mash potatoes. I'ma accomplish that goal, I guarantee you.
aww melish, you've restored my faith~! hahahahah~!

ok moral of the story is to aim low (or in melish's case, somewhere else specific? ba DUM bum)