Confangled Gadgetry

Originally posted by Space Cataz@Aug 15 2006, 07:10 PM
Thats a good idea, a cheap & simple mp3 player.
You know I once had an idea like that.
It's a "Jump to Conclusions mat". You see, you have this mat, with different CONCLUSIONS written on it that you could JUMP TO.
^That was really getting on my nerves, I couldn't remember which movie it was from. :angry:

I got it now ----> :D
eeek.............Y-yesssss...sire! Right away... Im gonna rent it right now..... :unsure:
Originally posted by 4swrds@Sep 11 2006, 04:07 PM
what do I get if I watch it....? :huh:
You get to understand the random movie quotes that crop up in life from time to time.
Office Space Rocks. Especially the part about the copier. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ooh another psychic moment, I was watching CSI Miami last night and they were using something like that to show a map, and I was thinking it'd be cool to have a tv that worked the same way. :ph34r: