Cingular Blackjack


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Cingular shows off their new phone, The Blackjack during Madonna's "The Confessions Tour, Live From London" on NBC. Sure, it's looks like a fun toy to have but I'm way more interested in the electronica thumping in the background. Anyone know what song that was and by who?
this one? :rolleyes:
Cingular 2006 TV commercial "blackjack"
very cool commercial!
What is the name of song or soundtrack for the new cingular blackjack ad, with the hands flipping the phones around like a deck of cards...... Cool ad but I really want to know the song name.......... HELP!!!! :(
Yeah, That's almost the same question but it hasn't been answered, so I was tring to be more specific...... So does anyone know what the name of the song is in the ad?
Originally posted by lxPrIsMxl@Nov 26 2006, 09:18 PM
Yeah, That's almost the same question but it hasn't been answered, so I was tring to be more specific...... So does anyone know what the name of the song is in the ad?
Duplicates merged.

We definitely appreciate adding more specifics to help narrow down the search. It's best to just reply to an existing topic to add details though rather than starting a new topic, that way we don't have multiple topics floating around about the same ad.

"Stinging Sitars" by Anjali.

Someone just replied that on the Youtube link.

Can anyone confirm?
That's it, it's Anjali - stringing sitars. Thanks soo soo much!!!!!!! :D
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What about the Blackjack commercial with the rock soundtrack? The on where the dude walks into a grocery store and everyone's dancing and stuff? Sounds kinda like Lenny Kravitz.
Anjali is awesome.
This is why I love
It directs me great music. I don't even watch tv. ;)
Originally posted by hh0505@Dec 2 2006, 05:08 PM
What about the Blackjack commercial with the rock soundtrack? The on where the dude walks into a grocery store and everyone's dancing and stuff? Sounds kinda like Lenny Kravitz.

The song from the one with the guy in the grocery store is "Feels Just Like It Should" by Jamiroquai
If anyone still cares about this song, they should check Anjali's offical site...She actually has Stinging Sitars up for download for free and legal. :ph34r:
Thanks! Ive been wanting to know what the song was for awhile now. Just kept forgetting to come here LOL
Ok, so i've been seeing this spot for the new BlackJack from Cingular for the last little while and I'm just in love with the whole thing. the graphics are awesome and the music is funky. This is what a good commercial is about. Any ideas?