~Casual Drink of Choice~

She says most unmedicated bipolars commit suicide. I say fuck that.
Not to hear her talk, she's perplexed. She told me she's never had anyone refuse happy pills before. I told her I want to deal with my root problems and not just try and drown em in Zoloft and she's like "Well if it makes you feel better, why not?"

Because it's not REAL!

Anyway, all the unmedicated bipolars I know are a couple fries short of a Happy Meal so I don't see how I can be one because at my worst, I get moody. I've never pulled a knife on my husband or painted my living room in the middle of the night on a whim (using real examples here..).
What if one of your root problems is a REAL chemical imbalance in your brain? And most bipolars think that once the get "better" they don't have to take the medication anymore. Until the next cycle. And the family has to get involved.

But if you aren't having massive mood swings then? Leave it be and continue on as you like. Believe me, I'm not always the biggest fan of meds.

This lady comes in twice a week to the pharmacy and the is so completely drugged into waking sedation it take about 10 minutes to complete a sale transaction with her. She moves like a turtle and she slightly slurs her speech and half the time she doesn't make any sense. And it's the meds. Course I don't know what she'd be like without them but maybe I don't wanna know.
Yeah exactly, that's how everyone at the Assisted Living Facility was. There were people there who were plenty young enough, late 50's, 60's, and they were so plugged full of drugs that they were little more than veggies on wheels.

I took meds, they did nothing for me but make me gain weight.

If I ever get violent I'll prolly reconsider, but I've been on Ambrotose for years and the worst I've ever gotten was when I spanked my dog with The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy when he ate my camera.
Doctors seem to think that they need to manage every little sign and symptom of an older patient. But one drug's side effect begats another drug to counteract it and so on and so on..until the patient dies after many years of taking expensive drugs and a subpar quality of life in the end. So sad.

You should tell her they are not happy pills but gain weight pills. Then you'll be unhappy about the weight and happy for no more mood swings. Then she'll refer you to a nutritionist or something. :lol:

If that's the most violent you've ever been, you ain't seen nothing yet honey. I had my moments. :ph34r:
I'm just not a violent person. I was abused as a kid and I've made the choice to control myself.

And I just can't see you as violent either. :lol:
Road rage to the nth degree. But I've mellowed a lot in the past 6 months since I left Wallyworld. When I worked there I was angry all the time. Then one day I was reading an article in the newspaper about society's tolerance of aggressive and angry behaviors towards one another...it was like a lightbulb went on inside my head. And I let it all go. I saved the article too. :)
Originally posted by leone@Aug 10 2006, 11:14 PM
Anthony, what in the hell was that instant message? :blink:
haha i dunno, i was leaving anyways, so i thought i'd do something spontaneous
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 10 2006, 10:59 PM
the worst I've ever gotten was when I spanked my dog with The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy when he ate my camera.
I would fight my dog to the death if he did that, I'd prolly die first tho, cuse I love my doggie. :rolleyes:
*nods* :( That's why I used the book, it's a paperback and I couldn't hit him with my hand.

I love that stupid dog so much that I punched a wall when I wanted to punch him this one time. <_<