Bush Address


Fukushima hybrid gopher
Reaction score
I just have to say that it's nice to see the guy stand up and take the blame. That's as it should be. I sure hope he's as good as his word when it comes to making it right.

Personally I think someone told him that if he cared about his approval rating that he'd better bite the bullet on this one and fix it and he listened. Just doesn't seem like something he'd come up with as a first choice if there was any way to lay blame elsewhere even though there was a very short lived attempt at pointing the finger at the New Orleans Levee Board.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Sep 16 2005, 12:29 PM
Personally I think someone told him that if he cared about his approval rating that he'd better bite the bullet on this one and fix it and he listened.
Yeahhhh that was more or less how we saw it too, and it's hard to see someone as sincere given those circumstances. We'll see, maybe there's a method to his madness. *shrug*