Budweiser commercial on SNL last night

type of music? male/female vocals? description of what's going on in the ad?
I am also interested in this one.

It has male vocals (slightly synthesized). The commercial shows the bud ceo at a bar offering a beer then cuts to a soccer game and then to a couple eating at a table on a bridge over a canal (possibly venice).
I just saw this commercial both times I have scene it it was during a pro football game. I am hoping this description will help identify it better. The commercial starts out with a moan in a red shirt at a bar saying "From our world to yours". It then fades to a guy and girl at a table over looking Paris, then fades to a soccer match, fades to a bar scene, fades to a shot of Venice, fades back to a bar again and finally back to the man in the red shirt again placing a beer on the counter. The last words on the add say Bright, Crisp, Clean, Pure.

The song has male vocals and it says "You and I were meant to be together", it has a very fast beat. It has other were but I could not distinguish them.
I love this song. This is the response I received from Budweiser,

Thank you for taking the time to visit our Web site and e-mail Anheuser-Busch about our recent Budweiser commercial, “Bud Connection.”

The song that is featured in this commercial is original and produced specifically for the ad. As a result, it is not available for purchase. The music was composed by one of our music houses in California, and the soloists name is Michael Fitzpatrick.

Several of our other commercials are available on www.budweiser.com by clicking on “Entertainment” then “TV Commercials,” but this commercial has not yet been included. However, we recommend checking back often because the Web site is updated on a regular basis with new commercials.