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I was in Best Buy and I heard this song playing it was instrumental mostly sax I knew I wanted that song. I went over to the stereo's and listened to the whole song. They said the name was Blowing the Blues but I didn't know if that was the name of the song or the album. It was really loud and I think they said the artist was Chris and I didn't get the last name. I have gone to music stores everywhere and nobody seems to know what I am talking about. Has anyone ever heard of this song or recognizes the artist? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Maria
No that's not it but thank you very much for trying. Maybe someday I will figure it out. It was a pretty long song and it was just awesome. Thanks again, Maria
I searched the Best Buy site for the title you mentioned. Could your song be on the Blow'n the Blues cd of various artists?
I never thought of that, thank you very much. I will research and see what I turn up. Maria :)
Let me know if you find it. I'm always on the lookout for good jazz/blues.
FYI... 'blowing the blues' means harmonica in blues terms. If you heard sax in that song, I have a feeling that the guy you spoke to in that store didn't have a clue.