American Express


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This is quite the piece. Does anybody know what it is, or know if it's commercially available? You can view the commercial/listen to the music here.
me too! It's a cute commercial, I've never seen it thanks for mentioning it...
Originally posted by heycarnut@Sep 18 2005, 01:04 AM
Astronauts, by Cranes, album Particles and Waves

Awesome, thanks alot!! :)
thanks for the reply, but i cannot find a place to donwload this song ANYWHERE. I have literally looked everywhere, help!
While we're on the American Express thread, does anyone know the composer/artist of the piece playing in the Robert De Niro 'Tribeca' spot?
Originally posted by elishane@Sep 22 2005, 09:57 PM
While we're on the American Express thread, does anyone know the composer/artist of the piece playing in the Robert De Niro 'Tribeca' spot?
For the 'Tribeca' ad, it's a commissioned track by Philip Glass
Oh wow, that's such an amazing commercial. I love Kate Winslet, and the music is incredible.
YAY. I had thought it was just some blurby music written for the ad (yes, I didn't follow this thread as I had very much intended). Thanks for the answer.
Could anyone upload "Astronauts" by Cranes for me? I can't use the emusic site. Thank you so much to anyone who can help me... I really love this song.