ADD babble anyone...

Originally posted by sickboy@May 9 2006, 08:50 PM
well folks, i'm off like a prom dress.
And where is it that you go in your birthday suit?
:lol: If he's wearing prom dresses I bet I can guess which hormone he chose.
Well it certainly wasn't Androgel maybe he takes Premarin.
Originally posted by dascoot@May 9 2006, 10:57 PM
:lol: If he's wearing prom dresses I bet I can guess which hormone he chose.
prom dress?
:lol: You're the one that brought up the prom dress.
Ok so ADD moment: I hate misspelled words. I'm a spelling freak. And I still misspell words. I won't correct you unless it's so badly misspelled I don't know what your trying to say. :lol: (Ceramel=Caramel) :lol: Other than that, it's all good.
So anyway I think my ears must be disfigured because ear buds never fit in my ears. :(
Well, we all know I'm fucking hot.

And it started to look stupid there...